Losing a Pet - Logan and Julia Remembered

Losing a pet is difficult. It’s not only missing their physical presence, but I also miss the routines. There is not a lot of support after losing a pet. Let’s face it, not everyone gets it.

Below are ways I remembered my dogs, Logan and Julia since they passed. Perhaps it will help others with the loss of a beloved pet.

I still struggle since Julia passed earlier this year. I journal and attend online support groups to help myself cope with the loss. I continue to walk the route we took every morning and evening. It’s hard, but I somehow feel a connection and also believe she wouldn’t want me shutting down. Every week since she passed, I have purchased a bouquet of flowers. I place them on the window sill, and before one of the walks each day, I cut a single flower and take it with me. At the end of that particular walk, I pass by her favorite stop sign, put the flower in the signpost, give the sign a high-five, and think how lucky I was to have had such a great companion. I miss my friend.

The below gallery is some older photos that I found of the last time I visited the Central Coast of California with Logan and Julia. I sure miss you guys but am so thankful we had the time together.

“You can shed tears because they are gone, or you can smile because they lived. You can close your eyes and pray they will come back, or you can open your eyes and see all that they left for you. Your heart can be empty because you can’t see them, or you can be full of the love you shared. You can turn your back on tomorrow and live for yesterday, or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday. You can remember only that they are gone, or you can cherish their memory and let it live on. You can cry and close your mind and feel empty, or you can do what they would want.  Smile, open your heart, love, and go on.” - Elizabeth Ammons

Rest In Peace My Beloved Julia

Julia – Artistry’s Another Thing Coming, SWA, SCM, NW3 Elite, DDCN, EN

Sunrise - November 15, 2009 / Sunset – February 16, 2023

Dog, Golden Retriever, Julia, San Simeon, California, nosework,

My beautiful Julia peacefully passed away in our home at the age of 13. My heart is broken to pieces. She was a once-in-a-lifetime dog and will never be replaced. She was so special and I’ll miss her every single day.

I met Julia at 5 weeks old and took her home at 8 weeks. We always had fun and spectacular adventures through the years. I will cherish those memories forever.

Some proud moments - Julia loved scent work! She started scent detection training under Penny Scott-Fox in Altadena, California at the age of 8 months old in 2010. Julia is the 10th Golden Retriever in the country to achieve the National Association of Canine Scent Work ORT Title at just over a year old. She is the 31st Golden Retriever in the country to earn a NACSW NW1 Title in 2011 and the 10th Golden Retriever in the country to receive her NACSW NW2 Title in 2012. Then, life events put trials on hold for a few years. When Logan (Artistry’s Long Time Coming) passed away in 2017, Julia continued trialing with NACSW and started with AKC, & USCSS. She captured her NACSW NW3 Elite Title in January 2022. Julia’s last trial was a NACSW Elite Trial in Tampa, Florida on November 19, 2022. Julia earned 28 overall scent work titles with NACSW, AKC, and USCSS. Lots of good fun times with my girl. That’s what it was all about!

Rest in peace, my baby girl. You taught me meaningful life lessons like living each day to the fullest, smiling, and never taking anything too seriously. It was an honor and privilege to be your companion and I thank you. I’ll miss everything about you. Run free until we meet again. Kisses!